External Business Partner Privacy Training and Awareness

Process Applies To

All suppliers that manage P&G personal data.


Suppliers' Employees (and Subcontractors) must be made aware of the key elements of P&G's Privacy Requirements and understand their personal responsibilities with respect to P&G personal data.


P&G has a mandatory requirement that all Suppliers that do work for P&G train their employees assigned to work on the P&G account to ensure they understand the requirements and their personal responsibilities for protecting P&G information, including P&G personal data. Each Supplier is responsible for creating their own Training curriculum for their employees assigned to the P&G account. The Supplier training curriculum must ensure that each employee assigned to work on P&G's account is educated and trained, and subsequently receives refresher training on an annual basis, so that all Supplier employees have the essential knowledge and skills to fulfill the requirements for protecting P&G information assets, including personal data.